Call for Abstract

Global Summit on Finance, Banking and Economics, will be organized around the theme “Latest Trends and Innovations in Finance , Banking and Economic Sector”

finance 2022 is comprised of 12 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in finance 2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

It explains regarding business approaches and practices identified with possibly controversial subjects including corporate administration, insider exchanging, pay off, segregation, corporate social obligation, and trustee obligations. Business insights will give the information investigation apparatuses from rudimentary measurements and applies them to business.


It is a way to generate wealth in the future kind of act where assets are purchased which helps an individual to earn profit in the future.It includes  Financial Assets and Non-financial Assets, where Financial Assets will include bank deposits, bonds and stocks and Non-financial Assets will include real estate, vehicles, gold.


The role of International Banking is to make the arrangement of financial service by a residential bank of one country to the residents of another country. This gives them a freedom to transact and use their money to meet any requirement of funds in any part of the world. Globalization and growing economies around the world have led to the development of international banking facility. The world is now a marketplace and each business wants to exploit it.


Management in Banking refers to the process of managing the Bank's statutory activity. Bank management is characterized by the specific object of management which involves financial relations connected with banking activities and other relations, also connected with implementation of management functions in banking.


It is the branch of financial economics broadly concerned with monetary and macroeconomic interrelations between two or more countries. It focuses on areas such as foreign direct investment and currency exchange rates. Increased globalization has magnified the importance of international finance New economy describes aspects or sectors of an economy that are producing or intensely using innovative or new technologies.


It refers to the strategy used to carry out market research.  Market research is very important, as the knowledge gained from the research can lead to clients gaining an edge over their competition in a particular market. Consists of a variety of qualitative and quantitative techniques ranging from market segmentation and share analysis, secondary market data analysis, one-on-one interviews, product concept development, customer surveys, focus groups, and online surveys.


Businesses and industries are financed by the financial systems which lead to growth in employment and in turn increase economic activity and domestic trade. Financial intermediaries help improve investment efficiency, leading to higher economic growth.


This was caused by rising energy prices on global markets, leading to an increase in the rate of global inflation. “This development squeezed borrowers, many of whom struggled to repay mortgages. Property prices now started to fall, leading to a collapse in the values of the assets held by many financial institutions.


Economic Development is the creation of wealth from which community benefits are realized. It is more than a jobs program, it's an investment in growing your economy and enhancing the prosperity and quality of life for all residents. Economic development means different things to different people.


International economics deals with issues arising from economic interaction among sovereign nations; fields such as international trade, international financial flows, international aid and technical assistance for developing countries, international migration, and exchange rate regimes present international economic.


Business performance management is a way of monitoring the methods a company uses to reach its goals and then using data to find better methods. Business performance management was developed as a way to streamline this monitoring process and develop a more efficient way of achieving corporate goals.


Decision science is the interdisciplinary application of business, math, technology, design thinking and behavioral sciences. Decision science incorporates an economic framework that is “a consistent, rational and objective system to 'price' each possible outcome, taking into account risks and rewards.